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Alpha SmartTemp Gel Liner

NEW - The Alpha SmartTemp liner is now available in gel. Incorporating WillowWood's proprietary blend of TPE gel and heat absorption technology, the liner absorbs and stores heat from a residual limb to delay the onset of sweat. For amputees who need relief from the heat, WillowWood has your solution.

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Alpha SmartTemp Silicone Liner

The revolutionary Alpha SmartTemp liner combines silicone with the heat management technology of Outlast® to regulate heat within the liner and keep amputees comfortable all day. The liner is offered in 6 mm uniform, progressive and symmetrical profiles, all of which will retrofit with the Alpha SmartTemp gel liner.

Shop Alpha SmartTemp Silicone Liner
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Outcomes Measures

In a randomized clinical study, participants experienced, on average, a 48% reduction in sweat when wearing the Alpha SmartTemp Gel Liner compared to a standard TPE liner.

SmartTemp TPE Heated Room Test
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